Friday, February 1, 2008

Here's something I thought was funny. During my short time in Lakeland Joe, Sean and I stumbled upon the concept of what type of classes they would teach if they we're professor's in college. The result is as follows:

*Disclaimer - I apologize for using cuss words in this, but they really do add the hilarity.

Classes that Joe and Sean would offer:

Frivolous Spending - A lesson in frivolity

Where the hell did all my money go?

Jackaround Period 101 - How to throw shit and not get caught

Proper study techniques for exam week (Prerequisite Jackaround Period 101)


ryan-c said...

jackaround 101.... im actually taking that now.

Mark Anthony Cruz said...

Jackaround 101....Lord knows I've taken classes like that at AI...those're the classes where the students teach themselves...and the teacher is...well...DRUNK!