Monday, May 12, 2008

Trip to Atlanta was a lot of fun. Thank you Radiohead for being awesome. Making a little video of it for everyone so wait in expectation. Was able to stop at American Apparel and Urban Outfitters while there, quite good.

Watched Bell's "Everything is Spiritual" tour DVD. There were some very enlightening points he made. The three dimensional object interacting with a two dimensional world was one of my favorite points made. It was an amazing way of showing what it is like for God to interact with us, and our response to that interaction. If you haven't seen it I would recommend checking it out.

Going through Claiborne's new book. I really like the medium used. As far as content goes so far it's just pretty good, I'm still in the beginning though so I imagine it will get better.

Billy Collins is quite possibly my favorite poet. Please go read something of his, do it for yourself.

That's all for now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanna see the video!!