Thursday, August 21, 2008

the guys in the apartment are going to grow the mustaches out.
and so i have dirty facial hair right now.
it itches.

I'm thinking about going down to Orlando next weekend with some friends to see My Morning Jacket. And so those of you who read this and are in Orlando, I might be seeing you soon.

Things are going pretty well here in Pensacola. Going to be starting school this Monday. I don't know what I'm getting myself into. 5 courses and around 30 hours a week of work ! Should be somethin.

I have an opportunity to go to China in December. I really want to go because it's going to be an awesome trip but it's from the 15th-28th. Jimmy's wedding is the 21st. Fil will be at Jimmy's wedding because, well, Fil and Jimmy have been friends for a very long time and he loves that kid a very lot.

It's really hard living out the gospel sometimes...

a lot of the time.


Anonymous said...

I didn't read anything, I just saw the mustache... I am sooo happy right now.

Anonymous said...

also... china is cool, but jimmy is cooler.

Anonymous said...

china would be fun though

filipe said...

haha that comment made me laugh ryan.

and I know Kim, China would be out of this world, but I don't know. It's jimmy. we've been friends since sonic the hedgehog on sega was the biggest thing ever. he's kind of a big deal.. both physically and to my friendship history

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and Ryan. Jimmy is cooler than china <333

sonic the hedgehog is the greatest thing ever.

and bro, you gotta hear the stuff i'm writing. I'll send you an mp3, its some pretty complicated and off time stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oh Filipe.