Thursday, January 17, 2008

I felt my dad touch my ankle to wake me up. It was 4:54 am and I immediately got out of bed. The extremely tired, I'm so comfortable in my warm bed that I wouldn't get out if there was a fire in my bedroom feeling was not there. It felt more like I had just got up from a short nap... which is basically what happened.

See as a result of staying up late for the past two weeks or so I have set what they call my internal clock so that I stay up late into the night, and wake up late into the day. I was in bed, with the lights off at 11:45ish.. and I laid there for about two hours from what i can remember. So whatever right? At least I didn't have any trouble getting up.

So we pick up two of my dads three Brazilian employees and head down I-95 towards south Miami. We arrived at a mall parking lot where the small boat show was being held. Now I know that when you hear "Boat Show" you don't think mall parking lot... but every once in a while one of these small dealios are put on, and so Luis and the crew from Pelican Harbor come out to save the day and make all these boats look nice nice. We wave at Carl Winslow, the secruity guard on duty this morning, and park.

*Looked and sounded exactly like Mr Winslow from Family Matters

The first order of business is to find a water spic et to hook up the hoses.. we're in a parking lot, so we have to run a hose from the mall somewhere. When we find one and begin to unravel the hoses Carl comes up and says that we can't do that... We can't run a hose from the building without special permission or something... Soooo the two Brazilians and I grab some towels and get to work wisping the dirt away, the dirt that this mostly shoe marks from the guys who brought the boats to the show. Unimaginable amounts of shoe marks everywhere.. Seats, floors, windows. It was like all the dudes got together, specifically stepped in dirt with their steel toed boots, all got on the boat together, and decided to have a 100-meter dash on a 17 foot boat.


While tackling this task my dad is talking to Carl... probably about Eddie's future or Urkel spilling something all over his security jacket. Whatever. So we're working and about 10 minutes into it the parking lot lights turn off... so now we can't see because it's still so early in the morning that the sun hasn't come out yet.

I know this sounds like I'm about ready to drink my weight in Lacquer Thinner... But I really wasn't all that bent out of shape about it. I pretty much thought it was just ridiculous. These sorts of situations are half expected in this business.

Carl finally got things together and gave us permission to hook up the hoses... It took six hoses connected together to reach all the boats. By the end of it I felt like I had already worked a full day... then we went to another boat and washed and waxed it.

My body is pretty much about to shut down right now... I'm going to get a good nights rest out of this mess.


ryan-c said...

thanks for the heads up that you have a blog...

Mark Anthony Cruz said...

Carl Winslow. LOL Classic childhood memories. :)